屍人莊殺人事件. = Murder at the house of de...


  • 屍人莊殺人事件. = Murder at the house of death /. 4(END) =
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 屍人莊殺人事件./ ミヨカワ将漫畫; 今村昌宏原作; 何立心譯
    Reminder of title: Murder at the house of death /
    remainder title: Murder at the house of death
    Author: ミヨカワ将
    other author: 何立心
    Published: 臺北市 :青文, : 2023[民112],
    Description: 275,[3]面 :圖 ; : 19公分;
    Notes: 譯自: 屍人莊の殺人. 4
    Subject: 推理漫畫 -
    Subject: 日本 -
    ISBN: 9786263407534
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
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