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Works: 1 works in 11 publications in 1 languages
打造更高的風力發電機 = Tomorrow's technology II : sky high - building taller turbines by: ZDF; 史杜克 ((Stocker, Harald)); DW-Transtel; 韋特曼 ((Wittmann, Fabinenne)); Stocker, Harald; Wittmann, Fabinenne (Projected and video material) , [製作]
智慧型農業科技 = Motorized farming : the next agricultural revolutiong by: DW-Transtel; ZDF (Projected and video material) , [製作]
戰爭機器人的研究 = Robot wars by: DW-Transtel; ZDF (Projected and video material) , [製作]
知識補給站 = Know it!. 應用科學類 by: DW-Transtel; ZDF (Projected and video material) , [製作]
3D特效的研發 = The 3D-effect by: Stocker, Harald; Bavariaone; 維德瑞奇 ((Wiedemann, Daniel)); DW-Transtel; Wiedemann, Daniel; 史杜克 ((Stocker, Harald)) (Projected and video material) , [製作]
知識補給站 = Know it!. 生活知識類 by: DW-Transtel; ZDF (Projected and video material) , [製作]
未來科技新材料 = The synthetic materials of tomorrow by: BR; DW-Transtel; 庫索 ((Kunzel, Peter)); Kunzel, Peter (Projected and video material) , [製作]
未來食材的趨勢 = The food of tomorrow by: ZDF; DW-Transtel (Projected and video material) , [製作]
仿生學 = Bionics : 大自然是最好的工程師; is nature the better architect? by: DW-Transtel; BR (Projected and video material) , [製作]
知識補給站 = Know it!. 醫學知識類 by: ZDF; DW-Transtel (Projected and video material) , [製作]
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