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Works: 17 works in 14 publications in 2 languages
台灣賞樹情報 = A concise guide to tree-watching of Taiwan by: 張碧員; 傅蕙苓; 陳一銘; 呂勝由 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影]
楚辭植物圖鑑 by: 潘富俊; 呂勝由 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影 ]
台灣原生景觀植物圖鑑 = The scenic plants of Taiwan originals. 1. 蕨類植物•草本植物 by: 鄭元春; 薛聰賢; 呂勝由 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影]
臺灣的稀有植物 by: 徐國士; 呂勝由 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
台灣野花365天 = A field guide to wild flowers of Taiwan in autumn & winter. 秋冬篇 by: 呂勝由; 張碧員; 傅蕙苓; 陳一銘; 張蕙芬 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影]
台灣原生景觀植物圖鑑 = The scenic plants of Taiwan originals. 3. 木本植物 by: 鄭元春; 呂勝由; 薛聰賢 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影]
詩經植物圖鑑 by: 呂勝由; 潘富俊 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影]
臺灣原生景觀植物圖鑑(3) = The scenic plants of Taiwan originals by: 呂勝由; 薛聰賢 (Language materials, printed)
台灣原生景觀植物圖鑑 = The scenic plants of Taiwan originals. 2. 木本植物 by: 薛聰賢; 呂勝由 (Language materials, printed) , [攝影]
嘉義樹木園植物(一) by: 陳舜英; 呂勝由 (Language materials, printed)
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