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Works: 12 works in 11 publications in 1 languages
牧者的七堂課 : 牧者的七堂課改變了他們的一生 by: 李成嶽; 潘塔克 ((Pentak, William)); Leman,, Kevin; Pentak,, William; 李曼 ((Liman, Arthur L.)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
牧者的管理智慧 = The way of the shepherd : 7 ancient secrets to managing productive people; 有效管理的七項要訣 by: 李成嶽; Leman,, Kevin; 潘塔克 ((Pentak, William)); Pentak,, William; 李曼 ((Liman, Arthur L.)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
為自己拚一場 = Think big : unleashing your potential for excellence; 發揮潛能,追求卓越人生 by: Carson,, Benjamin; 墨斐艾 ((Murphey, Cecil)); 李成嶽; 卡森 ((Carson, Robert C.)); Murphey,, Cecil (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
小飛俠布萊恩 : 布萊恩在NBA的奮鬥過程 by: 齊柏林; 布萊恩 ((Bryant, Kobe, 1978- )); 拉森比 ((Lazenby, Roland)); Lazenby,, Roland; 李成嶽 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
山徑之旅 by: Irwin, Bill; 艾文比爾 ((Irwin, Bill) ); 李成嶽; 大衛麥卡斯藍 ((McCasland, David) ); McCasland, David (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
激發心靈潛力 by: 李成嶽; Robbins, Anthony ; 羅賓 ((Robbins, Anthony) ) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
雷霸龍詹姆斯 : 社區大愛培育出的籃球巨星 by: 摩根 ((Morgan, Elaine)); 李成嶽; 詹姆斯; Morgan,, David Lee (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
仁心仁術 : 世界知名神經外科醫師愛心的故事 by: Carson,, Benjamin; 墨斐艾 ((Murphey, Cecil)); 李成嶽; 卡森 ((Carson, Robert C.)); Murphey,, Cecil (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
激發心靈潛力 by: 羅賓斯; Robbins; 李成嶽 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
湖人王朝傳奇 : NBA總冠軍衛冕戰全面報導 by: Kaye,, Elizabeth; 李成嶽; 凱伊 ((Kaye, Beverly)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
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