凱西迪 ((Cassidy, Jay))
Works: | 4 works in 4 publications in 1 languages |
瞞天大佈局 = American hustle
羅素 ((Russell, David O.)); 凱西迪 ((Cassidy, Jay)); Russell, David O.; Baumgarten, Alan; Cassidy, Jay; 鮑加騰 ((Baumgarten, Alan)); 史特瑟斯 ((Struthers, Crispin)); Struthers, Crispin; 艾里生 ((Ellison, Megan)); Ellison, Megan
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等待超人 = Waiting for superman
凱西迪 ((Cassidy, Jay)); Roberts, Kim; 羅伯茲 ((Roberts, Kim)); Guggenheim, Davis; Chilcott, Lesley; 芬頓 ((Finton, Greg)); Finton, Greg; Cassidy, Jay; 貝爾帖 ((Birtel, Michael)); 奇爾寇特 ((Chilcott, Lesley)); Birtel, Michael; 古根漢 ((Guggenheim, Davis))
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派特的幸福劇本 = The silver linings playbook : 雙碟珍藏$b錄影資料
凱西迪 ((Cassidy, Jay)); Russell, David O.; Cohen, Bruce; 柯恩 ((Cohen, Bruce)); 吉利歐提 ((Gigliotti, Donna)); 羅素 ((Russell, David O.)); 戈敦 ((Gordon, Jonathan)); Struthers, Crispin; Gigliotti, Donna; Gordon, Jonathan; Cassidy, Jay; 史特瑟斯 ((Struthers, Crispin))
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不願面對的真相 = An inconvenient truth
本德 ((Bender, Lawrence)); 史維特立克 ((Swietlik, Dan)); Guggenheim, Davis; 凱西迪 ((Cassidy, Jay)); David, Laurie; Bender, Lawrence; 古根漢 ((Guggenheim, Davis)); Swietlik, Dan; Burns, Scott Z.; Cassidy, Jay; 勃恩茲 ((Burns, Scott Z.)); 戴維德 ((David, Laurie))
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