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溫波奈 ((Winborne, Hughes))

Works: 1 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
心靈圍籬 = Fences by: 布萊克 ((Black, Todd)); Winborne, Hughes; 華盛頓 ((Washington, Denzel)); 溫波奈 ((Winborne, Hughes)); 盧定 ((Rudin, Scott)); Washington, Denzel; Rudin, Scott; Black, Todd (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
星際異攻隊 = Guardians of the galaxy by: 溫波奈 ((Winborne, Hughes)); 伍德 ((Wood, Craig)); 費居 ((Feige, Kevin)); Feige, Kevin; 拉斯金 ((Raskin, Fred)); Wood, Craig; Winborne, Hughes; 甘恩 ((Gunn, James)); Raskin, Fred; Gunn, James (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
姊妹 = The help by: Green, Brunson; 巴納桑 ((Barnathan, Michael)); Barnathan, Michael; Columbus, Chris; 卡隆巴斯 ((Columbus, Chris)); 泰勒 ((Taylor, Tate)); 葛琳 ((Green, Brunson)); 溫波奈 ((Winborne, Hughes)); Winborne, Hughes; Taylor, Tate (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
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