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Works: 10 works in 10 publications in 2 languages
致命的均衡 : 哈佛經濟學家推理系列 by: 葛窈君; 傑旺茲 ((Jevons, Marshall)); Jevons,, Marshall (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
致命廚娘 : 不要叫我傷寒瑪麗; 權力與正義的失衡 科學與道德的角力 by: 葛窈君; Bartoletti, Susan Campbell; 芭托蕾蒂 ((Bartoletti, Susan Campbell)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
TOEIC L&R TEST金色證書 : 模擬測驗 by: 神崎正哉; 葛窈君; 胡宥豪; 沃里納 ((Warriner, Daniel)); Warriner, Daniel; 許可欣 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
劍橋IELS模考聖經 by: Jakeman, Vanessa; McDowell, Clare; 杰克曼 ((Jakeman, Vanessa)); 麥道威 ((McDowell, Clare)); University of cambridge ESOL examinations; 葛窈君 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
個體經營大亨 : 自行創業、經營必學的70則教訓 by: 陳華江; 葛窈君 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
聽見英國 : 英式英語實境聽力練習 by: Iain Davey; 葛窈君; 上田真理砂 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
英文學術會議口語表達 = English for academic conferences by: 馮瓊儀; 葛窈君; 石井隆之 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
New TOEIC test金色證書 = Skills and strategies for the new TOEIC test : 應考對策 by: 上條武; 葛窈君; 張齡謙; 鄭佩嵐 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
我親愛的甜橙樹 = Meu Pede Laranja Lima by: 葛窈君; 力群 (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
奪命曲線 by: 葛窈君; 傑逢斯 ((Jevons, Marshall)); Jevons, Marshall. (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
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