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Works: 26 works in 24 publications in 1 languages
教你看懂六朝志怪小說 by: 許麗雯 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
教你看懂關漢卿雜劇 = The drama of Yuan dynasty by: 許麗雯 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
你不可不知道的100位西洋畫家及其創作 = You must know these famous painters : 中世紀至現代各種風格畫派大師 by: 高談藝術企劃小組; 華藝數位股份有限公司; 許麗雯 (Electronic resources) , [作]
教你看懂世說新語 = Easy to read shi shuo xin yu by: 李依蓉; 鄒湘齡; 劉綺文; 許麗雯 (Language materials, printed) , [總編輯]
你不可不知道的古典音樂世界 = You must know the classical music by: 劉綺文; 呂婉君; 許麗雯; 李依蓉 (Language materials, printed) , [總編輯]
你不可不知道的歐洲藝術與建築風格 = European architecture & arts : 建築/雕塑/繪畫 by: 華藝數位股份有限公司; 許麗雯; 歐洲 (Electronic resources) , [著]
瑞士•奧地利 = Switzerland, Austria by: 奧地利; 瑞士; 許麗雯 (Language materials, printed) , [總編輯]
法國南部 = Southern france by: 許麗雯; 呂婉君; 劉綺文; 法國 (Language materials, printed) , [總編輯]
教你看懂今古奇觀 = Unusual spectacle of Chinese by: 許麗雯; 劉綺文; 李依蓉; 呂婉宜 (Language materials, printed) , [總編輯]
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