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史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven))

Works: 1 works in 12 publications in 1 languages
美味不設限 = The hundred-foot journey by: Winfrey, Oprah; 溫菲利 ((Winfrey, Oprah)); 蒙德謝恩 ((Mondshein, Andrew)); Spielberg, Steven; Mondshein, Andrew; 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); 哈斯特羅姆 ((Hallstrom, Lasse)); Blake, Juliet; 布雷克 ((Blake, Juliet)); Hallstrom, Lasse (Projected and video material) , [製片]
丁丁歷險記 = The adventures of Tintin : the secret of the Unicorn by: Jackson, Peter; Kahn, Michael; 賈克遜 ((Jackson, Peter)); Spielberg, Steven; Kennedy, Kathleen; 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); 甘迺迪 ((Kennedy, Kathleen)); 卡恩 ((Kahn, Michael)) (Projected and video material) , [導演⋅製片]
林肯 = Linclon by: 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); 戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel)); 菲爾德 ((Field, Sally)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
辛德勒的名單 = Schindler's list by: 金斯利 ((Kingsley, Ben)); 尼遜 ((Neeson, Liam)); 范恩斯 ((Fiennes, Ralph)); 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
林肯 = Lincoln by: Kahn, Michael; 甘迺迪 ((Kennedy, Kathleen)); 卡恩 ((Kahn, Michael)); 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); Kennedy, Kathleen; Spielberg, Steven (Projected and video material) , [導演⋅製片]
戰馬 = War horse by: Kahn, Michael; 甘迺迪 ((Kennedy, Kathleen)); 卡恩 ((Kahn, Michael)); Kennedy, Kathleen; Spielberg, Steven; 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)) (Projected and video material) , [導演⋅製片]
E.T.外星人 = The Extra-Terrestrial by: 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew)); 湯瑪斯 ((Thomas, Henry)); 凱歐提 ((Coyote, Peter)); 麥諾頓 ((MacNaughton, Robert)); 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
AI人工智慧 = A.I. artificial intelligence by: 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); 洛 ((Law, Jude)); 奧斯蒙 ((Osment, Haley Joel)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
侏儸紀公園 = Jurassic park : 系列典藏合輯; ultimate trilogy by: 山姆 ((Sam, Neil)); 強斯頓 ((Johnston, Joe)); 梅西 ((Macy, William H.)); 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); 蒂亞 ((Tea, Leoni)); 亞力山卓 ((Alessandro, Nivola)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
搶救雷恩大兵 = Saving private ryan by: 漢克 ((Hanks, Tom)); 柏恩斯 ((Burns, Edward)); 賽斯摩 ((Sizemore, Tom)); 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
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